Wednesday, July 26, 2017

start of another heat wave

Britt was off bright and early and Shaina too was in town for her 9 am shift at the golf course. Kaylin had a well deserved sleep in on her day off. I worked in the garage on the dresser and desk putting the 2nd white coat on and both grey coats on the top as well and 2 coats on the chair. Once done it was left to dry overnight.

view of the new field from the house

Kaylin was up and off to the city around 12:30. She had a few errands to run, pick out her terrarium of choice from Gran and Grandy and spend the evening with friends.

Sheldon worked on hauling loads of top soil from the neighbors as his days work. He stopped for a quick sandwich with me for lunch then took a break from it to run to town for a massage late afternoon and run errands while in.

Shaina was back home at 4 after her shift feeling sick after a long day in the hot sun. She had a quick hour nap before she too jetted off to the city to meet friends and Kaylin for the evening. I was outside watering trees and flowers in the 29 scorching heat. Time for a cold refreshment.

 And I totally forgot to show off Britt's new kicks she picked up Tuesday.. how fancy are these custom made beauties?

Isn't this crazy, the smoke from BC was caught in the chinook arch making a brown cloud and red sun, the day was like on the right if not looking at the sky

Once back home, Sheldon got the last few loads of top soil finishing about 8. I had all the veggies, salad and steak prepped ready for a super scrumptious steak supper. Britt was not home till almost 9 for this late supper. 

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