Monday, July 10, 2017

My girls come home XO

Since Britt took Saturday off she has to work today, she was off early to her long day. Not only will she work at the track for race day but she gets to go to the Calgary Stampede to work in the barns drug testing horses after her day shift.

The rain rolled in at 8 and well needed. About 1/10th came down after it let up at 11:30. The sun peeked out briefly then back to overcast and only 20. A nice reprieve from the heat wave. I had snapped a few pictures of the cedar chest last night so got them put on my page. The gal was to come today to pickup but has a sick child.

I spent the morning doing catch up and housework, boring but necessary. Around 2 the sun came out to stay I think bringing the heat up to 23 and making it humid! I was working on accounting when Kaylin arrived. We hauled in more of her laundry which she sorted and got busy at washing. Gail came out for a visit and joined us for supper then both girls went to town to walk at the park. Once back we went out for a walk with the 4 dogs with Shaina joining us after her shift at the golf course.

pretty flowers from Gail for K

It was actually a lovely evening but it did change. After a bit more visiting Gail headed home and Shaina was convinced to stay the night. Sheldon was delayed on his landing when lightening prevented the flaggers from directing the plan in. He did make it home about 11 and after a quick hello to the girls hit the sheets. We waited a bit longer for Britt who was finishing up at the stampede ( first time ever the chucks were cancelled mid way due to a storm) but started our bed time routines when she finally arrived around midnight. What a long day for this vet tech, whew!

My 3 gratitude blessings for the day were easy.. having my girls all home! XOXOXO... the whole family under one roof even if just for one night!

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