Friday, July 14, 2017

paint projects underway

Grama and Papa headed home after 11 having spent the morning visiting over coffee and Sheldon's breaky foods. Prince backed out the fireball and washed it up and was showered and off to town after noon to spend the afternoon golfing. It sure is windy and not as hot (25) like forecasted.

I gave K's room a wee organizing to help with her feel a bit more sorted before I got busy with projects. The home plate and the board for the wedding gift needed sanding and then got their first coat of white paint. Finding fonts and getting them all set up to fit the pieces were inside jobs for later in the day.

I hauled the dresser outside to power sand but after it needed more filler in a few places so did that and left to dry. Once dry it was sanded smoothed hauled back in and wiped down, all ready to start painting now.

 before and after

I finished up the growth ruler putting 4 coats of poly on front and 2 on back thru the day.

beautiful roses and plaque Grama & Papa brought for Kaylin

Britt was home from work before 7 and Kaylin arrived soon after so time to throw on the salmon burgers to go with the rice. Britt changed and was off to hang out with Brooke & Amber while Kaylin caught a nap and I worked on marketing.
Shaina's gingers ;)

Sheldon went to Gossling's after golf for supper and a visit getting home at 8:30. Rodeo on TV was his evening entertainment. I fed KD her supplements. Kaylin woke from her nap to move to her bed.
Shaina joined us around 10:30 after her mens night shift bringing me a chai, thanks Dude! She and I chatted till after midnight then called it a night.

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