Thursday, September 8, 2016

sleigh bed finished

Sunny yesterday, cloudy and windy today with bits of sprinkles ;( If you want to rain, RAIN I say. Days are getting shorter sadly, I was awake as it started to get light at 6:30 then finally got up at 7:30, grabbed a coffee and did my online checks. Seems I am in a lull again but sure good thing I have custom painting with my best customer. I did finishing touches on the sleigh bed and took a few pics for her to decide if the silver was to go on too or not, she chose not which was my recommend. She also cannot pickup today so my plans for next projects moved outside.

The sweet antique dresser I picked up at Cross Iron awhile back was up next. Outside I sanded and sanded. Seems there is a tough shellac coat on this one!

 top before

and after sanding and below wiping with mineral spirits

 A popular furniture gal says she leaves all the grime on pieces to get the chippy look but I CANNOT.. I know these old pieces have been stored and seeing mouse poop in most and just how dirty the water runs when cleaning, I have to scrub.. well, and rinse a few times. So that was the next for the base and drawers and the top got a wash of mineral spirits to make sure all shellac was gone! Of course then there was repairs to be made as usual.

but this happened when I left the knobs to soak for 15 minutes and the white stayed ;(

my MCM dresser got some attention, check out how light changes the color over years

and below I polished the brass (top) and what a difference, now to decide color for this piece

The super cute antique high chair got a good scrub too

Then while they all dried well I got back to marketing and research. Sheldon arrived home early so was able to fit in a rest as the rain returned and the weather was still crappy. He and I were off to town to meet with the new tenant at Tim's and go over the contract. We grabbed the headboard I scored possibly for Kaylin then had supper before coming home to wind up the night with some more Marco Polo.

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