Thursday, September 29, 2016

on the road again

Busy road day for me, I was fueled with coffee and on the road by 9, first stop at the dump then to pickup some furniture scores on the way to drop Coco for her spa day.

Next was a great visit with a fellow painter in town, we came up with ideas to help move our furniture products and may take in a few markets even. I had to cut it short to get to my lab appointment for my standing blood work, drop eggs off at the Paetz house and run to get Coco. I was back at the ranch by 12:30 whew!

I loaded up the computer to return and was getting my lists ready when Shaina rolled in after 1 for a nap before her 2 pm shift. I left her napping as I jetted off to the city. I stopped to check a few of my thrift store haunts and was SHOCKED to see the prices of the pieces ;( I even struck out at my favorite store Home Sense.. best get to Costco and get my stuff done.

Sheldon took the C-Train to SAIT and met me at Northhill where we had a yummy happy hour of drinks, fresh guacamole and a Santa Fe chicken salad to share. We left room for appetizers at the Investors Group comedy show we were off to next at 6:30. Our hosts, Steve & Craig made for an enjoyable night of laughs, thanks guys, it was good to get out. I drove home while the Prince slept making it in half hour.. back at the ranch by 11 after a very busy but fun day.

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