Thursday, September 1, 2016

September 1

It is September first already. Today is a lovely sunny but non lovely windy day. I was up early, before 7 but I am sure as the days get shorter I might change this internal alarm clock. I finished up the latest growth ruler.

Britt was up by 10 and was out riding by 11, I sent her with the FOB to open the gate, ;) I worked on a new process of image transferring with plans to put all horses names on the barn wall. I also painted up a couple test boards too.

A friend stopped on her lunch break to check out the yellow cabinet. It is for her son's college apartment, a church he is restoring and cabinet space is limited in the bathroom. Seeing it is for a boy, and it is pretty I decided to make it more boy friendly. I hauled it onto the deck and sanded all the edges after the first coat of poly dried then applied another. The poly will make it more bathroom durable.

and once all was done it was much less "pretty"!

The air was warm even though the smoke filled the sky making it overcast again so a round of dog poop patrol and start the sprinkler was in order,

board with transfer

me juggling my Old Fashioned milk paint order for a picture after Britt helped me move the dining table down and I arranged our furniture partially back in place. I was cooking supper when Sheldon got home after showing rental place on his way home from work. It was not long and the growth ruler folks stopped to pick it up.

He was then off to watch foorball while I cleaned the pantry and storage room food surplus to load Britt up with goodies and see what I need for my Costco run tomorrow. I also made rice krispie squares and for the 2nd time this year found the marshmallows did not melt and mix and vowed never to buy again ;( Puffed wheat only at this house ;)

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