Sunday, August 7, 2016

Shiloh heads home

Coffee was on early. I cut fresh fruit including fresh right from BC peaches for the French toast leftovers from yesterday. I ran out and fed Shiloh and the girls as it was overcast & dewy after rain last night which led to fog.

Visiting and Olympic watching ensued with Mom joining in then heading for home around noon. Brad followed behind her heading in the opposite direction. Britt came in the door from ball tournament as they headed out.
hosed and blue spray applied

Not long after the sun poked thru so Sheldon, Debby and Mary ran to town to shop, Shaina caught 4 horses as Britt was finishing hosing up Shiloh and I made my hamburger soup. I left it simmering and we tacked up. Shaina and I went to Matt's to see how Baby reacted to cows and Britt stayed with KD and Bird to condition.
 baby Brynliegh evens comes to greet us

 brave Daisy.. well sort of

Shaina tried on foot too to get her closer

She had them hosed and eating when we got back home. The shoppers were home too. Shaina and I trimmed baby then headed inside for a cold drink

. Deb had started up eggs and then made deviled eggs with Britt's help.

A late lunch of homemade soup and deviled eggs was enjoyed. then Shaina headed to the city for a barbecue at Brad's. Stouts came with the trailer to pick up Shiloh. They have made an outdoor pen near the other horses so he will enjoy visiting closer to his peeps. They got the low down from nurse Britt as to his remaining meds and wound care and a quick visit before he was loaded and they were off. Sharon also left a jar of peach salsa which will be fun to try and 2 jars of their freshly canned peaches and more fresh ones for us to enjoy, THANK YOU, they are delicious.

Deb snapped this, look how lush and green that grass is?? results of tons of rain lol

Debby & Mary went to have a nap as did Sheldon while Britt stripped the stall and tidied the barn and I got things sorted in the house. The Paetz family arrived around 4:30 to join the fun as all got up and Britt drifted off ;)Cards entertained the adults while movies worked for the kids (ok to an extent;) with a pizza and bean dip break for supper.


Amanda put white noise on for Archer to go to sleep, seems it works for adults too ;)

Just after 9, the Paetz's rolled home and Britt went to town. The rest of us shut it down after 10 rounding out another great day of visiting and Olympic TV viewing.

3rd pot of bean dip this week ;)

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