Tuesday, August 16, 2016

hot ~ bath day

Tuesday is a hot one coming they say. Britt was up before 10!! so we went out to ride, it was 19 and by the time we got back it was up to 24 already.

check out my paint package from Plaster paint Britt picked up for me last night

I got back to the hutch putting a 2nd coat of poly on and changing up the knobs after polishing one up. Original are to old and fussy for the new more modern look. While I was working on the hutch Britt went out to rake the winter pasture with platinum tractor about 12:30 and it only took an hour.

She was hard to motivate now that it is 29 degrees but she did head out and bath Diego, Lola then Pepper

then KD, and Coco once back in the A/C house.

 While she was bathing horses I was watering planters and picking my apple harvest. And the horses even got a bucket of ones the dang birds picked at.

this is all from the old tree and not counting all the bird pecked ones I have given to the horses, well done old tree

 and this is from another older tree ... looks like apple crisp coming up

Sheldon got home from work as I was detailing the front doors of the hutch (yep it is 30 in the garage too, so hot). He changed clothes and jumped in the tractor to start baling. I ran him a supper lunch bag just before 7 in the full on sunshine now 30 degrees, harvest weather he says!

It was not long and our oesteopath gal arrived to work on a horse. It was to be either Switch or Hawk but Britt brought in Bird too and it turned out she had the most issues needing addressing so Britt's hijack of my appointment work. She finished up about 8:30 and visited a bit before heading out.

Sheldon closed up shop at the same time having made 19 bales in the hay pasture and only 2 in the winter pasture as to tough. It needed more sunshine had Britt turned earlier maybe. Hopefully the rain forecast holds off till Sheldon can roll it up after work tomorrow

Britt showered and was off to town by 9. Odd night for me as I was showered and in bed and dozy by 10. Sheldon was worried the tough bale may heat up so went out to roll out for the horses at 10. I actually was falling asleep when he was back in cursing the skid steer having tire issues. We both knew Baby should not be on the new hay so we both trotted out; him off to catch her and I to find Bird and Switch and put in to eat on the bale too. Of course like the tire, things do not always go as planned, Bird was wound up and ran all over but not into the correct pen. Baby being penned caught off water supply so the far tub had to be filled. Perhaps Bird was using the time to fill to her advantage. Eventually by the light of the full moon I caught her, put in correct pen and headed back to bed.. but of course now could not sleep and was awake when Britt rolled home about 1:30! sheesh!

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