Monday, August 29, 2016

growth ruler ordered

Britt was up before 10 today, wonders never cease. Then I found out she got called to work earlier ;) She has a doctor appointment at 11 so will go in after till 8, good for the last week of work before school starts paycheck for sure.

I worked on yard work as the day was beautiful. Perfect for tree trimming, pulling spent plants, putting some things away, scooping crap and hauling it to pit while walking the dogs. Such a multi tasker.

Along the route I snapped a few updated pictures of miss Baby to repost her for sale ad. She is looking very fit and active after her spring bout of laminitis.

I also worked on a growth ruler that was ordered trying a different technique, this time hand painting before staining. Lets see how it works.

Sheldon had acupuncture after work so grabbed groceries and supper on his way home. Always a treat not to have to cook and I was staining as he pulled in. We walked the dogs after supper in the glorious sunshine. Mosquitoes seemed to be out but less. Britt ate her take out when home from her long day at work around 8:30 and Shaina rolled in with a chai tea for me when she finished up and home before 10. Thanks little miss!

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