Wednesday, February 11, 2015

TV unit all stained up

OH do I need sleep, both dogs wanted out just after 4:30 am and I lay awake waiting for them to want back in and Sheldon to get up. Eventually he was off and I managed to fall back asleep around 6:30 for an hour then check to be sure Britt was up and off to school. Of course she was pushing the clock yet again.
No coffee today, I am going off it as research shows it may help adrenal fatigue, that and no alcohol, that we shall wean slowly ;-) I worked on Kaylin's TV chest touching up paint and hand distressing, whew, it is coming along. Once that was complete I transfer the big beast back on the low work table, removed the plastic and stained the thick top with my java gel stain. It is true, the gel does not run or drip, there was only one tiny drop when transferring from can to top once. It looks lovely, now to dry for a good 48 hours.
 left no distress, right is done.. what do you think
 close up view to get a better look, I think it adds dimension and definition
 here is is all distressed
 lovely detail along base
 the sanded top ready for stain
 and the stain on.. a wee glimpse of the final result soon to come
Time for a bowl of hamburger soup for lunch and get ready to head to the city. Amanda and I are attending another Saje seminar, this one on busting stress! We did a couple stops before getting to the mall to meet Shaina. She left part way thru the seminar to pick up Sheldon who stayed in the city after his course and they were off to a Hitmen hockey game.

The treasure box gal met us after the seminar at the mall and was pleasantly surprised it was larger than she imagined :0) AJ and I finally got a chance to eat by 8 pm, stopped at a store where I tried a few more dresses unsuccessfully then headed home.
The day was dreary, windy, blowing snow, cold and miserable but they say a chinook is on its way. Britt was home after her evening of work and Sheldon arrived home not long after. Another busy day for all!

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