Monday, January 13, 2014

993 - headache slows production

Day 993 started with crazy blowing winds. Shaina was up early and off to her doctor appointment in the city followed close behind by Britt to school. By 9 am a complete white out hit and it was ugly. Although the temperatures were 3 above it was another snow storm which waned and ebbed all day long making for icy roads and crappy drives. I awoke with a headache that does not leave until supper even after a few rounds of pills.
I grabbed a hit tea and cautiously went to check the end table, sadly it was still matte and blah looking so I once again called Minwax. This time it was a lady who told me it had to be the humidity and temperatures that caused this. I replied this was indeed only a day after the "good" finish so seemed odd. Any way time to strip it YET again and start over. GRRRRRR while I was out there I put another coat of stain on the tables hoping to get them darker.

At noon I retreated to the house with the killer headache, grabbed a cold drink and rested on the bed. I think I shall retire all staining till summer with more ventilation.  Britt called with a dead battery, of all the luck on such a crappy day (now 0 out ). She did have Grady help her boost it after school, left it running while she tanned (although she was sure someone would heist it in the 9 short minutes she is in the building) and scooted safely home where it would not turn over again after parking. Dad will come to the rescue tomorrow after getting home.
 this was my snuggle heater
I managed to get a short hour sleep in which helped a bit but continued to try and will the headache away. Britt kindly took pity and with a small amount of guidance made supper creating Cowboy casserole. It was very good, well done Britt, thanks!! Shaina met Papa and Grama in the city for supper as they are waiting to fly to Mexico in the morning. Shaina will pick up Kaylin tonight at 10:30 from her Miami/Bahamas cruise trip so stayed in and shopped away the snowy day.
Britt was off to study, this time in her room singing her heart out - and not really studying again either :-) I enjoyed the headache subsiding, another cup of tea and updating the blog and doing the dreaded, ever procrastinated job, accounting and posting items for sale and looking as usual :-)

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