Monday, January 6, 2014

986 - Shaina has her wrist surgery

Day 986, Sheldon worked on his truck for 4 hours finally coming in at 1:30 am back to where he started but he did find the problem :-) He was up early  to meet Shaina for her surgery starting Britt's car for back to school too. I got busy even with my cold filled head putting another coat of varathane on both the dresser and rocking chair. Turns out both Amanda and I feel crappy today so good thing we cancelled our volunteer work at the Mustard seed scheduled for tonight.

After helping Shaina find the right check in desk at the hospital, Sheldon went to Costco for a few groceries, picked up the needed part for the truck and looked at a snow plow blade for the skid steer before getting home after lunch.
here is the old and new part, notice a significant part missing??

following pictures are Shaina's surgery documented, NOTE may cause queasiness..
cyst before above, selfie snapped during while Dr Hamilton had back turned ;-)
and do not look at after if faint of heart, here her hand is drained of blood when must retain upright for 15 minutes following the surgery
Shaina was home before him even with a smile. She shared surgery details and even cleaned out the dishwasher while the arm was still froze. She has her fingers crossed she is not the 10% that has it return. Dr Hamilton said it was a very large one and next Monday the stitches will come out.
I brought in the rocking chair and snapped a few pictures. Back in the garage I put a third coat of varathane one the dresser while Sheldon replaced the part giving him a hand when needed. Once finished he took it for a test drive giving both thumbs up.

I also hand painted the requested monogram on the auction sold piece and wrapped up all 3 pieces to send to the winners.
He helped me move the dresser inside before he went to put out another bale and push snow. I rearranged the garage and got my next project ready for starting giving  it a nice sanding.
leaving lexi inside with Coco we have our first causality.. tiger, seems she has an obsession with removing stuffing!
Britt and Shaina watched TV before Shaina left to work a quick shift at the gym at 6 pm followed by a staff meeting so missed supper with us. My achy bones and stuffy head had the tub calling me after cleaning up supper then it was into bed to surf the net for us both. Tomorrow is back to work for both of us after a long enjoyable break. Britt of course spent her time in the lower level. Sheldon was asleep by 9 and I had drifted off before awaking to Shaina getting home from meeting at just after 11. Poor girl found the arm very painful now that the freezing wore off and T3 make her nauseated so I helped fixed her up with a OTC combo of Tylenol and Ibuprophen

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