Friday, February 15, 2013

660 - "inside your fridge"

Day 660, inside your fridge! Well now, truth be told I did not get my photo done today as it was action packed. Britt stayed home from school as per doctors orders and her delight and slept until noon. She then spent the rest of the day in front of the TV !
Although it was golden Friday Sheldon was up and gone after 8 to see Grant's new shop and visit before he went for a podiatrist appointment followed by a massage. He also picked up Britt's  medicine before coming home just after one. It was then was nap time on the couch hahaha

I was up and out working on my projects again. Today I spent time on the vanity top as well as giving the table another coat of stain and chalk paint on the apron. I threw a chicken in for supper along with potatos and couple salads. Britt was finally able to eat more than soup.
 table last coat of stain.. still not perfect but at this point I must move on
 taping up the vanity
and stripping the top clean

After supper it was back out to the garage for me. I waxed and buffed the chalk paint while Sheldon ran to Olsen's to borrow a tid bit of wood filler for the vanity top (thanks Al!). Once back I filled it and the step stool Lexi gnawed on. Sheldon went back to his tablet and the couch addicted to candy crush while Britt continued to watch TV. I finally called it quits with a nice warm shower.


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