Friday, February 8, 2013

655 - "something orange"

Day 655 was something orange day. Not my favorite color so will be challenge. I awoke with a start at 7:15 and raced to Britt's room to remind her bus comes in 15 minutes only to have her remind me that she told me late last night there was no school. I need to update my calendar!! LOL

Sheldon and I got up then as he had a meeting down town Calgary at 9:30. He was sure we must leave by 8 to make it in time. I countered 8:15 at the earliest or 8:30 but he said it was his day to manage the time :-) Needless to say that we were on the road by 8 and pulling into downtown at 8:50!! HAHAHA I forgot to mention we had the horse trailer as well so driving thru downtown was fun. Sheldon got out close to his meeting building and I crawled over behind the wheel and headed to my 10 am acne laser appointment.
first orange of the day.. dr office.. then saw orange cars and orange saftey glasses I wear in the laser but camera battery was dead

I wheeled around the city quickly arriving at my doctor's office by 9:20 and of course Murphy's law was in action. There was no chance of getting in early and in the end I actually got in late at about 10:15. Once done I made a quick stop to grab more Bona hardwood floor liquid at Bed Bath and Beyond. By now Sheldon was finished so I weaved my way back downtown to pick him up.

He jumped behind the wheel as I navigated on my cell phone as our next few stops were residential and ended up quite tricky to find. First stop was to pick up a lovely old vanity dresser that will go well in Britt's room. The kind gentleman selling it gave me an old lantern I found in the basement of his estate sale as a gift with purchase and he threw in a solid little stool since the original one was not with the dresser.
isn't it cute.. both I mean
Next was to a fellow who posted an armoire dresser for free. It turned out to be a questionable item but will see once I check it out better. He offered a few more items as they were moving and of course he did not want to move them. I left with a few other items too much to Sheldon's amazement. Michelle messaged me the girls arrived safely in Thailand and are just awaiting the tour pickup. YEAH!!

The dining room set I found first was our next stop but first we needed fuel.. for our bodies. It was now 1 pm so we stopped quick to grab a twister and Starbucks Carmel dolce coffee. The table set was 10 km north on Symons valley road, a place with 3 huge white barns. The barns house a metal work shop called Starburn Metal. I will have to have a good look in the future as they could make us a nice gate. I am excited to get the table worked on, it is marked 1957 on the bottom.

As we headed home on 566, we came upon Cross Iron Mills and had to stop. Mind you it was only at Lowe's to pickup more refinishing products. We stopped in town to fill up with diesel before arriving home just before 4. Britt was just chilling and had done nothing off the list I left, claiming she never saw it :-) She hurriedly fed Coco, cleaned cat litter and dishwasher and rode her horse before cleaning her room.
 Tuckered out from an early start, Sheldon napped and I took some orange photos before updating the blog.
 and Pepper is orange-ish

After a simple supper we watched Django Unchained as a family.

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