Sunday, December 30, 2012

615 - early new years seafood feast

Day 615 found me up and cleaning my closet after a cup of chai in the tassimo. Sheldon began getting plans and wood together to make our coffee table.

while staying with us Lexi mastered going downstairs.. which is good for potty training, bad for basement carpet :-), here they play hard outside

By noon, Shaina and Shannon were up to enjoy a bowl of turkey soup and Britt finally came up just before one. Shannon headed home just after one saying good bye to Shaina till may! I worked on the blog, it has been since the 23rd since I updated it. I was going to not continue but decided Shaina would enjoy seeing what is happening at the ranch while she is gone.

It is hard to imagine this time tomorrow she will be on her way "down under" to enjoy a trip of her lifetime. She is going to have so much fun and return with so many memories and stories. I will add any updates she sends to the blog so we here can keep track of her too.

After soup, we played some pool and double checked Shaina's suitcase and tidied her room then the girls and Sheldon went out to skidoo for a bit, Shaina came back in early and we made her bed and finished her room. She ran in to town quick to say good bye to a good friend who hopes to have surgery while she is gone.
 notice them in the back pasture with horses looking on
 then they would run in play when skidoo came near

Sheldon started to prepare the sea food for the big feast while I made a salad. It was most enjoyable, we were all so full and even had left overs.

 to get a gist of size
 and the feast begins
 Sheldon's plate mid way thru
 the pieces of crab were huge and delicious
 as you can see further evidence :-)

Lexi learns cards
After supper it was more games, Brandon joined us around 8. At 11:30 he took Shaina to Tims for a tea before dropping her back home before midnight. Final checks were made to her bag before hitting the sheets for our early morning.

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