Tuesday, December 25, 2012

610 - Merry Christmas all

Day 610 is Christmas!! How blessed are we to be surrounded by family on this special day.

Vance was up early with the patience of Job. Finally Mya and his mom arrived to open stockings. Paetz's were out later. Sad news for Travis, he had brought Riley up a few days earlier to see another vet but after false positive news, today the MRI showed cancer and  she was put down. Mom went to the city with Travis for this deeply sad decision.

It was still very cold -26 like but Vance and Dale beared the cold and went out and built a snow tunnel, rode the skidoo and put the new part on one. Even Mya and Stacie ventured out briefly. The rest stayed inside by the fire

finally by late afternoon it was time to open presents, this is the longest my family has ever had to wait but they did it :-)
 Britt got her riding boots and her wen hair care

 head bands auntie Amanda made

Uncle Ron arrived just before 3 and papa and grama soon after. Gift opening was chaotic but enjoyed by all, especially the little ones. We 18, all enjoyed a delicious Christmas turkey dinner followed by games and socializing.

Kaylin and Aaron loaded up and ventured home to the city stopping at his Mom's house on the way. Uncle Ron headed back to the Hat later in the evening and Travis and Mom left for Oyen at 9:30 pm. The rest of us continued games into the late evening.
 Sheldon Craig and Vance checking out his new gun safe
 Asher's new game called cannon ball or as he says BALL!

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