Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Deep Freeze on its way

While having coffee in bed I see Beibs chewing on the empty hay net, for a long time. Not wanting him to chew an hole I pulled on my coveralls and retrieved it. It was a bit brisk at -7 but will warm to -4 later in the day. The cats were kicked outside for the day while dogs. Another blog day was published while having my second coffee. S preferred his in bed.

S cooked himself some eggs for breakfast. He had a hot tub I chose a shower. I did some more hand sanding on the drawer fronts and touch ups to the sanded wood filled areas with stain pens. Creative Moments is starting slow this year.

S ran the recyclables to town at noon. I donned the coveralls again adding mitts and toque and took the dogs for a well needed walk. Even though it said -2 the wind was ugly. Walking along the west trees a few times was much better. I opened all the gates so they can go to all the shelters, behind the shop and draws. The salt and minerals were topped up in the closest shelter. S was just coming back as I was doing this. He rolled out a bale for them along the trees. The forecast is for a deep freeze rolling in. Dave’s races have even been cancelled.

testing 2 of the frames

reminder - change your RO filters folks!! GROSS!

Snow started to lightly fall around 3 with the temps dropping again. S changed the RO filters then hit big brown for a nap. In the mail was Renn’s first Xmas I ordered. What a huge disappointment. Esp when I found it was not returnable! Looks like Creative Moments will need to come to the rescue.

WTAH?? Baby's first what??

Now that the last few weeks of the blog are caught, I worked on Palm Springs posts. Day 3 - Renny has a fever had the compilations of photos sorted, edited, compressed and watermarked. Once all were uploaded in, it was published. Enjoy!

Harley got a manicure then the bouquets were taken apart since the pine needles are falling everywhere and flowers are dead. :( It is now-12 but feels like -21 with wind. Beanz birthday post was finished and published. One more day to catch up! I cooked up a pot of chili for supper. B arrived at her usual 7 just in time to have a bowl. S had his while watching hockey of course. I finished up yesterday's blog post and published. I am all caught up to the current days. Now to finish Palm Springs days.

Flames won! while I watched more decorator shows in our cozy bed.

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