Friday, January 5, 2024

Back to Calgary again

B did not drop Cooper off staying home sick. She did need his food though. After H fed and coffee delivered to the sleeping prince, it was porridge time for S. Christmas Day blog was published. We headed off delivering Cooper’s food to B then on to the city. 

A quick drive thru A&W scored us a burger and fries for lunch on way to Kaylin’s. I offered for them to get out for a break which they were keen to do. They headed off to a coffee shop and few errands. S visited with Renn and I for a short bit then was off to his hearing aid appointment. 

How can I not share every photo of this adorable face??

Renn is 7 months old now and so curious about the world around her. I love my time spent with her. Kaylin and I visited for a bit once they were back. Sheldon was back with his new ears. He is astonished the cost of them ($7000+) and very glad his are covered by Workers Comp. A couple baby items were loaded to take back home and the pink ruler left for pick up.

Hugs and kisses goodbye then w headed to the mall. S was still looking to exchange a wallet with no luck. We grabbed a smoothie and headed east. I had found a 16” microwave table n marketplace. Sure enough it was indeed the right size and $10. New ones are $60 and up so this was a relief to find.

Mom had text Dale, Stacie and Mya were sick. One of Jarrod’s workers posted he was sick too. I then got a text from friends who were sick too. All went to the NYE bullarama. That is crazy! Good thing we skipped that.

Kaylin sent Renn exploring warmed up food tonight!

Back at the ranch at 4:30 just in time to feed H her supper. We did toasted bacon tomato sandwich -  spinach and cheese added to S’s as well as leftovers for supper. I published Christmas Eve blog post then finished up Boxing Day blog post ready to go in am. The forecast is saying COLD temps coming next week, WTH! Best get in our hot tub soaks now. Again it was followed up with Netflix.

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