Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Back to the baby

Monday marketing and catchup. We ran to town for S dr appointment. I ran over to Amanda's to pick up the sweetest pony she created for Renn. I visited till S was ready for pick up. X-rays were next on his shoulder. While he did this I stopped to visit Dad. He was having a great sleep so I did not stay long. We grabbed Opa for lunch and back home to eat.

S and I have events happening in different directions this week. I packed up Harley and we set off east after lunch. She is staying with Britt while I go to visit baby Renn. B drove her first trailer haul to take Roo to a trainer. This trainer was the same one that broke Switch. She did a great job hauling her. Kendall hoped on and even roped a tire. She is going to have a busy Jenny Craig boot camp.

pre boot camp

Back at the ranch, S prepped for his trip to Acadia Valley. He tossed hay a set a couple small squares at the paddock for Sharon to toss. He also was back to town to do blood work and some BBQ shopping for K. I arrived at K’s townhouse at 5:30. Snuggles with little miss. 

Renn's first pony ... needs a name :) 

She is as tiny as the pony but will not be for long

The snuggliest little burrito XOXO

Nathan made a tasty shrimp Alfredo pasta for supper, THANKS! Later Renn was loaded up for her first stroller ride. We walked to Village ice cream. It is one block away. I tried raspberry cheesecake, K - chocolate chip and N - Marc’s favs. Thanks for the treat :) Nathan carried on walking Beanz. More zoo shows on the smart TV.

ready for first stroller ride

I was Lexi's handler :)

Time for another manicure

Tuesday I made K her fav breakfast again- yogurt bowl. Then we loaded up little miss Renn and headed to a photo shoot at 9:30. K fed her again and for the next 2 hours she was an A+ model. She was swaddled and dressed in many outfits. Moved and propped and was quiet thru it all. 

behind the scenes

these are a few watermarked ones I liked from the 126 pic shoot below

Even after we loaded her back in her car seat she was content to travel home. Carpets were being cleaned so we relaxed on the couch after a tasty salad. I cooked up a pot of hamburger soup for supper. I painted Kaylin's nails the tangerine color as we watched more streaming series.

Kaylin announced her on SugarMe page in her little onesie Gail made with the logo

Awoke to wind and rain Wednesday. Luckily Amanda said it was raining in Strathmore. Here's hoping it is at the ranch too. I have not done any painting at home. But I brought blocker and paint to help at townhouse. There was a nail polish accident. Of course it was dark color. The blocker and paint worked perfect. I touched up the damaged walls after Shaina moved out too. They look good enough to pass inspection I think :)

Kaylin and I ran to Costco quick. What ugly windy rainy weather out. We quickly filled a cart and back home just in time for Renn's feeding. Nathan popped up to cook a delicious supper, THANK YOU!

Shaina arrived for snuggles. Britt was along soon too. She brought Harley too who was dirty from her rainy playdate. I loaded her in the car. Good thing she is well behaved and did not eat the $210 hunk of strip loin in the cooler. K was off to physio on her foot. B and S headed out for supper to celebrate each other's birthdays. I snuggled Renn till K was back. I sure enjoy these visits xoxo

her little hands mesmerize me

and her too :)

Har and I set off for the ranch. It rained and drizzled all the way home. The wind at least blew us home. I picked up the mail including a gift parcel. Checking the rain gauge it showed we had 8/10ths so far. This is awesome if the wind would only let up. I found one deck chair had blown off into the apple trees. The rest were piled in the corner. I did computer catch up before hitting the sheets to watch Queen Cleopatra.

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