Sunday, June 4, 2023

Baby day 2

I woke at 5:15 briefly not recognizing where I was. :) I text K to see how going. Renn was tired after her big debut. I fell back asleep for a bit then up and back to hospital by 7 am. It was another exciting day ahead.

7:30 am snuggle videos, she is 10 hours old

her hair <3

Does she look like her 3D ultrasound pic?

Nathan brought tims for a breakfast snack. THANK YOU! Debby and Chuck popped in for a quick visit. I went with them for lunch at Earls. THANK YOU!! Sheldon met us there to join for a beverage as he had made a BLT at home. They then set off on their journey home. S and I went back to the hospital to introduce him to sweet little Renn.

He and I then met Shaina at K's place. We loaded in one vehicle and went to Milestones to celebrate her birthday. A couple frosty belinnis on the summer like day with some calamari snacks. 

Once back at the townhouse S headed home to feed miss Harley and pack up for his Medicine Hat adventure. Shaina and I went back to the hospital. Shanice - K's friend stopped for a visit as did Britt. Britt has been caring for Beans this weekend. What a great auntie!! She is back to work this week so can't leave him all day. Nathan was at home to spend some time with him.

all our girls xoxoxo

The girls were off by 9. Nathan was back with food and snacks for K. He was then off home to walk Beans and other chores. I enjoyed cuddles and time with K till after 11:30 then headed to catch a few z'ss. 

these little hands

and that face xoxo

the prettiest bouquet from Amanda L

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