Sunday, March 8, 2020

Time skips ahead an hour

Time changed but it worked perfectly for me seeing I was still on Belizian time ;) I relaxed surfing IG with the sun out although -16 but soon S was up making coffee. I moved on to marketing throwing in the first of the days laundry while he perused the internet and his online news.

Britt and Cooper arrived just before noon, She gave pills to horses as I made tuna sandwiches for S and I then she and I went out to trim feet. Bird was first then KD and Roo. S finished up the humidifier then had a nap before popping out to humor me checking the rubber that was coming off his new door sweeps he had installed.

Once we finished up at 2:30 B and Cooper headed home and S and I had a cold beer. It was golf day on TV of course. I started to get to work on the photos downloading, editing and sorting . Before the 5 pm Flames game S "washed" his coyote hide and hung in the garage with poor resting Lola. I finally got the first day of vacation posted. We both folded the piles of freshly done laundry and emptied suitcases.

I took out veggies craps for the ponies and they had to cross the sketchy frozen lake to get to me

For supper we made another delicious meal. The bacon wrapped medallions from Walmart with pasta and corn was scrumptious. Highly recommend buying them, like Hello Fresh for meat but for only $9 for 2. The game was on of course and once the meal was down and tidied up S was off to the TV room to watch the rest while I worked on blog posts.

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