Sunday, March 29, 2020

Busy Sunday at the ranch

David Spence is a liar, today is another cold windy overcast all round crappy weather. Def not he plus 12 he yattered on about!! I drank the first cap while getting the last of the pictures and video posted for yesterdays blog post and posted this weeks Sunday scroll stopper.

Just after 9:30 I headed out to toss hay to the very uninterested horses. KD still calls the herd hoping they will come release her. I hauled the table out on the deck and not long after the customers arrived to pick it up. I was the yard gateman as the rest of the herd were hanging out there. Jamie (the repeat customer) tried her best to get Lola to come see her armed with treats but no luck today. Then they were off. Thanks again guys!

I gave the horses their pills then Lola got a good brushing before coming in. Lunch was the last of the turkey bake then I got busy doing my next project gluing on the acrylic caulking moulds to the jewelry box.

Another task I had on my list was to make some clean eating banana muffins I saw while watching youtube the other night. While doing so I also made a banana bread loaf too.

My new glass pan was just a wee bit small and it ran over which in turn had me self cleaning the oven. I had the on my task list too so it all worked out. I packaged up the muffins to send home with Shaina and Jacob (and for Kaylin when she gets back home after isolation) and for Britt and Dave.

B and sir Cooper arrived after 2:30. She checked over the horses as I dressed up and met her and we set off on walking the dogs. Cooper was on a leash for most of it but got a bit of playtime, this is what happens then. No wonder Lola has a chunk of fur to the skin missing on her neck ;)

This snow bank is deep too

We had looped the perimeter and Lola was digging for gophers in the snow when Shaina and Jacob arrived. Jacob had asked to store some tires and tubs in the mezzanine after moving out of his place this w/e. He and the girls had been on the hunt for a new place and given their notice for April too but luckily their landlord let them stay on with a discounted rent for April too. I swept the area where we had used all the oldest bales while he unloaded then the 4 of us went for another loop of the ranch. However this time Cooper was not on a leash and he bolted at the far corner with Lola ambling behind. This had them on a 2 hour jaunt.

Jacob was determined to see just how deep one of our lakes was

Back at the house we social distanced around the firepit sans fire enjoying a cold drink then the Calgaryites were off at 5.

Britt hung around for a bit waiting for Cooper but eventually headed home to clean. I ate my second portion of the salmon and salad with banana bread for dessert. This way of eating is causing a bit of a calorie curve to the high end. However I have over 12,000 steps so far today and more to add as I headed out to check the cat food, toss hay to the diet pen and to distract the other horses gave them a flake too. It was some of the old hay which had alfalfa so they were on it with full attention. I had made a deal for a few furniture pieces from a fellow painter who was liquidating her stuff. They arrived at 6:30 just as I was rolling up the bale twine so again I opened the yard gate. It was like a tool gate today. They unloaded the pieces where I had made space and were on their way. I like this social distancing even better then my usual life. I had paid via EMT too so no money touching (OK I did this am but I like taking it better then handing it!)

golden hour with dark skies .. the horses prefer to drink out of yet another lake on the property :)

I had gotten Cooper in just before 6, covered in mud he was kennel bound while I ate. Poor Lola was back to 3 legged lame and stretched out under a tree. Britt came to pick up Cooper quick at 7 and closed the yard gate. That is the end of the toll gate today. I took Lola her supper with meds in it and had to take to sidewalk. Here are videos of the poor girl.

This was at 8 as a crazy wind blew in with cold snow like haze and got downright nasty. The temperature dropped from the high of 10 to 4 then 0 at 11 pm. The high did not feel warm with overcast wind either. I kept working on todays blog but decided some scrabble time was in order after 9 but eneded up starting season 3 of Ozark till midnight. I have over 14,000 steps today! It was a busy day at the ranch.

Kaylin sent this adorable photo of Lexi with her new buddy Theo, quarantine is not so bad if it is with a friend, right?

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