Saturday, March 21, 2020

Feeling achy under the weather

I woke with a headache and achy body but chalk up to a crappy sleep and lots of horse trimming / Shaina boot camps in last few days. The sore throat seems to come and go ;) Time for a few coffees to get the day going. The sun is shining and looks like it might be another melting day.

S ventured to town needing a prescription and to grab mail and a few groceries around 11. I worked on the last few days of the Belize trip posts and current posts. S was back after 1 with groceries, mail and my parcels. Sadly the paint parcel had been delivered to the mail box on Monday so paint frozen since then ;( He also picked up lunch too. And if you can believe it, I snapped my temporary crown while eating a spring roll. good grief. Naptime for the prince.

And in the mail both Shaina and I got Calgary parking tickets. Mine was at my crown prep and it seems I typed in 2 numbers backwards on my license plate but luckily I had my ticket still as proof of payment. And Shaina was sitting in her vehicle picking up her friend. What is wrong with the parking attendants?

B and Cooper arrived just before 2 to do their usual animal check and play date. She headed back home before 2:30 loaded with paint supplies planning on painting her bathroom but ended up doing her upstairs hallway. The clouds now rolled in and the day became very dreary but the grassy patches were starting to be exposed and the snow melting right before our eyes.

I added liming wax to the end table now that last coat had dried 48 plus hours. It did not really hide the streaks but looks ok I think. I staged it up to post as well as some funny posts Shaina thought would be really funny.

Supper was Hello Fresh #3; turkey scallopini which was very yummy. We ate later closer to 7 seeing lunch was later.

For our evening viewing we started the Netflix series Pandemic. It is ok but being a documentary not quite the action of a movie. S fell asleep into the 3rd one so shut it off and I started Tiger King. It looks like it might get crazy but I could only get thru part of episode 1 before lights out before midnight.

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