Saturday, December 7, 2019

Table progress to a stand still

Another 8 am wake up with no sun today. They are calling for snow after lunch so I donned my coveralls over house coat and got at med distribution. I did Bandit first then Pepper then on to Daisy. I put a thin blanket on her as it is blustery -7 and being proactive to the storm put her in with bandit so they had shelter. I hauled out half a bale and set piles in sheltered areas and in view of the herd to give options. Of course Daisy was more interested in bossing Bandit around but did settle down to eat.

At 9 I came in for cappuccinos and blog writing. I got a call a parcel was at Purolator which I had requested not to be used on my Amazon account due to their non rural delivery policy. When speaking with a supervisor I found that my previous 4 other calls where I was reassured purolater was deprioritized were indeed not completed and the one that was was incorrect!! He did manage to get the proper paper work done and gave me a $50 credit for future purchases. Better then nothing I guess after all the time spent on the phone with them. As I was finishing up I looked out to see Daisy scratching her neck on the shelter walls!!

Back on went the coveralls having changed into day clothes and marching her to the paddock east of the house. UGH!!! Then I downloaded Sheldon's photos and converted to proper format before watermarking/resizing along with Debby's to go along with mine to get another day of vacation posts up.

I went out to the garage to work on the dining table with the glaze layer but the customer thinks is too cool with the warm flooring so plans may be scratched and a do over happening. I did add the dry brushed white to see if warmed up any but not really. She is going to come for a look in person tomorrow morning at 10.

I then painted the chair another coat of white milk paint but it still looks like crap. I was finishing it up when Britt and Cooper arrived after 2. She and I went out and trimmed 4 horses; Switch and Pepper then KD and Bird. That was good for today ;)

She and Cooper loaded up and headed home at 4 to make cookies.. yummy! I jumped into the shower then got back to blog writing doing another Hometalk post, this one for the green jewelry box. It seems the snow never did make it this far. I put Daisy back in the stall with her feed/meds/water and removed her blanket. Bandit got his throat spray and some hay then it was time for me to crawl into bed with a hot bed bag on my back to be sure the muscles don't seize up and watch more Outlander.

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