Friday, February 10, 2017

back to "normal"

Back in our own super comfy bed is the best feeling, at least until 4 am when the cacophony of coyotes started their calling. Poor Lola did her best to defend from in the garage but they would continue off and on till 6, dang it. I let her out in the fogged in whiteness and curled up back in bed until the coffee guru awoke and brought us a hot cup.

check out my nails, they lasted the whole trip, thanks Candace

Prior to leaving I had a gal want the bakers table as well as the fellow wanting the cream/gold dresser. I contacted them both today and the dresser guy will come Monday and the table gal today. She arrived at 4. Sheldon was finally able to get motivated and leave the house to push snow on the road. and just was back in in time to help her load it quick.

Britt rolled in after 5, still sunny and plus 1 out. I whipped us up supper, no more maids and chefs ;(  I got unpack, vacuum, sort laundry etc today bringing me right back to reality. Britt was off to town around 8 to visit her friends and I kindly went to pick her up at 12:30 am back home dropping Brooke off after 1.

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