Monday, April 11, 2016

Sheldon's First day at Suncor

Sheldon was up and off early to pick up a buddy and off to his first day at Suncor by 5:45 am! It was a brisk 0 when I got up but the wind had relented and the sun was out so all was well. I had to get ready and head out the door for my acupuncture appointment at 10 followed by a great pedicure at 11:15. Thanks to the Paetz family for my birthday gift from last year, I have pretty sparkly pink toes and super smooth feet!! <3 <3

My next stop was lunch with the Paetz crew. Always fun to have a visit with these 3. The hour passed fast before I was off to get fuel and a hot chai and hit the road heading east. The bite is off on my new bridge and Dr Dave kindly fit me in a week early to adjust it. Hallelujah !! Surprisingly the weather was pleasant on the way there . My appointment went well and soon I was on my way back west.I did grab a snack for the ride home too.

There was of course threatening weather on parts of the drive home but nothing, it did hit a high of 18! I met Shaina as I passed thru town to pass her a card from Amanda. She had just finished riding KD after her golf work day, meeting friends quick at Tims then home.

Sheldon was home when I arrived  back at the ranch around 6:30 having had an informative first day. A cold beer went down well to end my harried day of successful stops. Britt arrived home about an hour later after spending the afternoon working with Ty again.

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