Friday, April 8, 2016

River walk

Another beauty day in Alberta, Britt was up and off to work for 9:30. Sheldon caught a ride to pick up the merc from the repair shop. Coffee and we both headed to our jobs. he went to harrow the winter pasture while I worked on 2 chairs. I pulled out another one thinking I will paint it as accent chair on the deck. It got a good scrub then sanded once dry.

 more repairs and sanding on antique chair too

After lunch, he got back to the harrowing and I headed out in the 24 degree sunshine. Finishing up some weeding and poop scooping, I started watering the front flower bed. I put out some yard decorations too. Sheldon fixed a broke wire on the far north fence and shot a gopher then kindly dumped the poop bucket. Time for a cold beverage on the deck, what a great day.

Britt got home and we loaded up the dog in the horse trailer (Lola has a fear of the open truck box, but did not like the trailer much more but it was safe) and all headed to the river. Sadly the sun was covered by clouds now but it was still 24. Grady met us there and we had a great river walk and visit. Sheldon even took a spin on Grady's dirt bike.

 Lola loved the water and new scents

 Grady found a wee pet that Britt did not like

 Diego of course loves the river ;)

proper foot ware next time right Britt?

What a great adventure for Lola's first big trip off the ranch. We loaded all back up and back to the ranch at 6. Time to eat supper and Britt got ready and was off to the city for an evening out with friends. The evening was even more fantastic as the sun came back out and created an amazing golden night. We enjoyed catching up on Vikings.

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