Saturday, March 14, 2015

rails started

Saturday was warm plus 15 but over cast and breezy so deceptive. I spent the morning waxing the dresser and tidying the garage. Once Britt was finally up, she and Sheldon were going out late in the morning to start the rails but it seems the generator did not want to work, it took some time to get it going again but after a quick bite to eat, they got out after 1 to start.
Before heading out I had Sheldon help me carry in the dresser body and I buffed all the wax and reassembled mirror and drawers and staged a few pictures to post.

The fence came along quickly getting top rail on in about 2 1/2 hours. Shaina arrived from working as I was painting the frame I scrubbed up, she and I caught Switch and Daisy and we trimmed feet. Sheldon loaded bales for our best customer Kent and rolled one out for the ponies too. Britt joined us in the barn.

 the geese are back, is that a sign?

Sheldon hooked up truck and trailer for Britt and I and she caught Hawk and Bird. We hauled down to a local arena to join a friend for polocrosse practice. The wind was howling much worse so being inside to condition was awesome. Shaina cooked sausage and was off to the Roughnecks game while Sheldon had a sports night including the Flames game on the big TV which started just as Britt and I got home.

 Britt so fast I could not focus and Lynda showing McSorrley the racket
 he was a grey horse.. till he rolled.. Bird gets her fancy new cooler
We grabbed a snack for supper and showered then relaxed. I nearly finished season 3 of Call the midwife till the internet glitched after midnight!

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