Sunday, March 29, 2015

barn level gets lights

Well it seems that sleep in days are a thing of youth. 4 possible days in a row and I was up again around 7:30. Now Britt who asked to go to a party at 12:30 last night (boys hockey team won provincials and just getting home to celebrate), was told yes but home by 4 am actually arrived at 5:12 am! The kicker was she had to work at 10 so had a sluggish day ahead of her.
Coco tried to hide her scored rawhide she found outside!

It started out sunny promising a lovely day, with the ponies all laying in the sun but the wind did pick up soon and stayed for the day. Sheldon wanted to have a relaxing slow start to his Palm Sunday so I went to work on projects in the garage. Time to wax the mint jewel box.

Eventually he was ready and for the next couple hours we chose cabinets for the lower portion of the tack room. They needed some repairs, silicone removal and quick clean before the arborite was cut to fit as well. They have been well used and think will blast with a coat of paint before officially securing in final spot. We held off on the top bank for a bit as I have a few ideas on it.

 stall side of the tack room wall

Time for a beverage and lunch before Sheldon headed back out to move the lights down to the barn level and I continued on projects in the garage. I waxed the nightstand and affixed the new back to it and once dry hauled in to stage and post for auction. I really like the aged teal look, lets see how others do.

Sheldon had picked up some new push brooms so I gave one a try in the garage along with my daily tidy making it look so much better. Julio nickered out side the window so he got his bowl of senior feed as I headed to the barn to try the broom he bought for there. I hauled the saddle stands into the tack room and organized the are making it look fabulous. It is really coming along nicely.

Britt got home from work and hit her bed, the late night, day of work culminated with her blindsided face plant via one frantic horse made for a sore tired girl. She even skipped the ride Shaina and I took after she finished up her official last day in town at the Roadhouse. She even brought her Mama a chai tea, thanks lovey! Breezy but lovely plus 16 ride with her riding Baby and ponying KD and me on my trusty stead Hawk. Sheldon finished up the last light fixture as we were heading out off to the house for a cold beer.

Once back, the horses were hot so after a roll in the arena Sheldon went to close the small pen gate. I was bout to open the arena door to let them in the field but they got a better idea, go back thru barn to freedom. A frolick across the lawn and down the lane way ensued, Shaina jumped in her jeep to shut yard gate an pushed them back past walking me to the house. Luckily they ran into the pen where Shaina closed them in until after a scrumptious roast supper.

She and I trimmed Pepper and Baby under the new lights, only 1 pony left to trim before starting all over. We swept up, closed up the barn and headed back to the house. Thanks for your help Shaina, it is most appreciated! Shaina enjoyed more mashed potatoes/gravy and roast before she ventured back to the city around 10. Sheldon & Britt had already headed to bed so I showered up and called it a day too.

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