Friday, December 5, 2014

festive baking and parties

We started the day with a slow start and coffee. Britt was off for late start spare Thursday before Grama joined Papa, Sheldon and I. We spent the morning visiting over breakfast and lunch as they headed home just before 2.

Sheldon grabbed the Christmas tree from storage then was off to town. Errands and a visit with a good friend was his afternoon. I started a lovely fire even though the weather was lovely and sunny by now.

Shaina came  out after work. she and I took the dogs for their ever excited walk. She also helped me move the buffet so I could assemble the 5 min tree. We all enjoyed supper together before Shaina ran to town for an oil filter and workout while Sheldon and I watched a few episodes of SOA. Shaina (who was staying the night) brought home Tim's and joined us just before Britt made it home from work. She proceeded to try and make cookies for an exchange her work girls are having but ended up making not so tradable cookies.

Friday was Coreena's famous toffee tart making lesson day. Britt was off to school later too as spare to start the day, Shaina was rousted slowly getting ready but Kaylin arrived with Lexi right on time at 10 to head over. Sharon kindly hosted this event and for the next 4 hours we all mixed and flattened and formed and poured and created 279 tart shells, filling 260 of them with the yummy toffee filling. 4 pounds of butter and 30 Macintosh toffee bars went into this successful mission.

Sheldon stayed home as dog wrangler and kindly changed Shaina's oil.. finally!! ;-) First time since she bought her new Jeep. He also put a bale for the horses and laid lights along the front of the house claiming too cold.. at -7 to finish the project.

I enjoyed a coffee & baileys with Sharon after all cleanup and fellow trainees headed home before getting back home around 4. Time to shower and get ready for our evening out at the McArthur's. They hosted a fabulous festive party with about 50 people, lots of room in their spacious 4000 sq ft home. Food, games and fellowship filled the evening. Fog surrounded us coming and going but safely arrived home just after midnight where Britt was cleaning up after herself. She successfully made her usual cookies for the work cookie exchange after work and walking the dogs, yeah B!
me mastering the minute to win it game ;-)
a wee peek at the living room,

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