Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day

Merry Christmas to all, the festivities continued with more arriving to share in the celebration. During breakfast/brunch of our famous sausage some gifts were open, games were started along with another fire.

Britt and Shaina went to feed the ponies a special treat for Christmas - nice shorts Dude!

Sadly Aaron had to leave for more family events on his side. As he headed off Amanda and her gang arrived followed soon by Grama & Papa, Candace and the boys and Dale and his gaggle. Many laughs were had as games and visiting were underway. Uncle Ron drove over to join us for supper as well. I believe there were 22 for supper, making it our record inside sit down meal to date.

Shaina was kind and curled my hair, Thanks sweets!

 Papa brought all the dogs a rawhide bone.. according to size of course.. here he shows Diego's!

Britt managed to spend a bit more of the day up celebrating, even partaking in games when all stuck for the answer with her gravelly whisper voice.

Grama, Papa & Ron left as the Chinese gift exchange got underway. Kaylin then had to head back home as she works Boxing Day ;(. The Paetz's mozzied back to town as well but a handful stayed up till 1:30 ish playing games and visiting, including TJ who made the the foggy drive back to town so late.

Merry Christmas friends and family!

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