Monday, March 24, 2014

1064 - Monday funday

day 1064 was Another great coffee start to a cloudy morning. Being truckless, Britt caught a ride to school today with Shelby. Today is laundry day. I did put 2 coats of stain on the one stool top as my only paint work. The rest of the day both Sheldon and I did accounting, he working on taxes and me paying bills as month end will be here while I am on a plane home.

After lunch Sheldon ran to town to wash the truck, run a few errands and pick up Britt form school. By now the sun finally came out! Britt took my car to work for 5 as another lady stopped for more of Shaina's garage sale items. Shaina was home in time to join us for supper. She headed to town to take Asher swimming at 7 as a young fellow and his Dad stopped out to look at Sheldon's truck

Britt was home by 8 stopping to pickup a mirror I purchased off garage sale site for me. She got busy cleaning her boots for the trip and after cramping up hands she managed to get one near complete before calling it a night. Shaina was home later after her swim and DQ date with master Asher.

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