Sunday, March 2, 2014

1041 - still freezing!!

Day 1041 it was -28 upon waking and frosty looking. Time for coffee by a blazing fire.

Another day to hunker down and clean. Britt got out the steamer and did all bathroom grout, tile and tub. She scrubbed it all down looking awesome. She washed the rugs and shower curtain but it seems a red rug may turn the shower curtain a dark shade of pink especially when on sanitary cycle! oopps
I cleaned the laundry room and unboxed all my "office" goodies unearthing treasures . Sheldon worked on gluing a few broke items, candy crush levels all while watching more hockey on mute. He did venture out and threw 2 small square bales for the ponies in the high of -23 weather.No sun today! He quoted" it was ok until you took off gloves and bare skin was instantly cold." 
After vacuuming and laundry it was relax in front of the fire, eat left overs for supper and watch the Oscars. No internet up and running as of yet so very quiet day that way. I have 4 auctions ending tonight but guess they will wait till tomorrow to see winners and let them know. Shaina arrived safely home around 8:30. This cold weather is nasty.

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