Friday, May 24, 2013

758 - rain arrives

Day 758 the rain was socked in. At 11 I was out feeding the horses and saw the two older ones were shivering so added warm blankets, it was wet!! I checked the rain gauge and we had 1 1/2" of well needed rain. Rachel left at 11:30 and Shaina did not come up until well after lunch.

Sheldon ate lunch and ran to town at 11:30. He was meeting Britt to do a police report as the story gets fishier with the guy. Seems he just got insurance and registration yesterday.. most likely right after the incident! I spent my day sanding and washing tables and put a coat of primer on the rectangular table underside where the children had did all the art work. Sheldon was back around 3 after grabbing some groceries and couple errands too.
Sheldon checked rain gauge at 4 and we were up to 2' of rain. Shaina went to work out as Britt came home from school. I finished up in the garage and showered to get ready for our date night to Stage West to see Chicago. We picked Sharon and Darren up around 5:30 and were off for a fun filled night with great food and company.
We drove home in the continued rain and dropped them off and were back home by 11. The girls had all gone into Amanda's to visit but Britt was back home and Shaina arrived home from her Calgary detour around 1.

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