Saturday, May 18, 2013

752 - busy Saturday

Day 752 was a busy Saturday. Coffee and baileys started the morning out early for Saturday up at 9. The sun was shining so rain prospects seem fleeting :-( . Mom and Asher were out about 11. Shaina got up too then and we all went out to feed horses and put the cylence on the horses. Britt arrived home at noon as we were applying and she helped too.
 our helper

After doing 5 horses I ran out so tried a premethrin liquid Sharon picked up in the states but after applying the dose to Baby she reacted by rolling and trying to get it off. After reading the bottle it was a concentrate NOT a ready to use so we caught her and hosed her off good including a shampoo too. This was not good had it been left on or she was not so quick to react. A quick call to the vets assured me that was the proper thing to do by hosing right away and to keep a close eye on her for any neurological impairments. Luckily she seemed better once hosed.

Sheldon was sorting recyclables in the garage and loading up to take to town. I added a pickup of another cylence to his list. Britt loaded her bottles too and went with him. The rest of us ate before Mom Asher and I loaded up to head to the hospital at 1. Shaina got ready for her work shift starting at 2.

We arrived at the hospital at two, Travis was there visiting already. We each enjoyed out turns snuggling her before leaving at 4. We stopped quick at Tims for a beverage and arrived at the ranch by 5.

 todays scratch hence the mitts but so adorable
 snuggles with the sweet pea

kisses and snuggles from big brother
 perhaps her face says enough brother
 Gran gets to snuggle
 Ada's mullet and below with uncle Trav
Sheldon and Britt had filled a few gopher holes this afternoon after their errands. Sheldon also picked up some pricey new rubber boots for his new job with cozy boot slipper liners everyone tried on. Travis followed us home too. We enjoyed a cold beverage and visit while I threw chicken thighs in to cook. Asher kept us entertained with his antics.
Travis's new purchase, holds 15 shotgun shells at a time

Shaina finally arrived home after 8 so her and I along with Asher, Travis and Britt headed out to catch the last 3 horses and apply the correct product. Back in the house Shaina ate supper with Asher helping her with the chicken :-) I ran back out to feed the horses who run right to their feeding spots as soon as I call.
the outfit I created when you are out of pants.. borrow long socks from uncle and a hoody from Britt, good to go!

8:30 Britt was off to town to head to a party in Rockyford and having a sleepover with Brooke. Mom, Asher and TJ left at 9 And Shaina left at 9:30 to meet Shannon for a night out. Sheldon watched hockey while I updated the blog before crawling into bed after another action packed day.

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