Monday, May 6, 2013

740 - Shaina comes home!!

Day 740 is the day Shaina comes home after her great adventures. I was awoken early thanks to Mr Jenkins wake up call in my window at 6 am. The workers arrived after the w/e off to start building at 6:45. Britt was up and off to school driving herself of course but today picking up Shelby. Sheldon slept in late as it was his day off. He slowly got moving after catching up on his coffee and news and games.
 workers took down all the supports by 9

I put the hardware back on the dresser. It is near ready to go. I also fed the horses and let the too old geezers out to graze. What a gorgeous day it is, getting to a high of 28 degrees.

About 11, Sheldon started piecing the puzzle together on the island. We ate a quick lunch then headed to town running a few errands before dropping him at his 2:15 massage while I went to work for an hour. I also picked up another coffee table to redo before I picked him up. We were home before 4.

Once home from school Britt decided it was to hot and breezy to ride so she filled some gopher holes in her bikini hoping to take on a tan. Sheldon worked on the island till supper time.
 the north side cross beams and saddle beam going up

 the little criss cross babies napping and shaggy Coco awaits Shaina's arrival
Kaylin was kind enough to do the airport pickup of miss Shaina. Shaina landed at 6 but did not get thru customs and bags till just before 7.
They arrived at the ranch around 7:30. Shaina quickly showered after her long travel then we ate a yummy sausage supper.
 Lexi has grown even more.

Amanda and Asher arrived soon after we were done supper and Gail soon after them.
 Asher was so excited to hold the baby kittens
It was a gorgeous evening still so warm, today's high of 29 lingered. Craig stopped out to after he finished work. It was a great night of visiting. Everyone left around 10 and Sheldon hit the sheets. Britt drove her sisters to tims at 11 quickly. Kaylin stayed for a sister sleepover! I did not get any photos of all us together but will soon.

Sadly the wind started to picked up late and blew thru the night!

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