The morning was -2 degrees Celsius when I woke up at my usual 7:30 a.m. circadian wake-up time. I read for a while until S woke up, and I made us both coffees to enjoy while relaxing in bed and catching up on his family visit. Papa is recovering on the rehabilitation floor and working on improving his mobility. However, he still has a long way to go, with an April 7th goal of being able to walk 50 feet. You’ve got this, Papa! Keep up the good work. S spent a lot of time visiting with his Dad and treating him to a burger meal. He also took his dad outside in the sun to enjoy an iced cap. S also enjoyed some quality time with his Mom, including taking her out for dinner one-on-one.
Today was extremely icy when I went out to give Switch her medication after 9 a.m. She stood still as a statue, took her medication, and I was back home in no time, cautiously walking. S and I finished our coffees (I had made an iced one once back in). I was doing Spanish lessons while he had cereal before heading to town for hockey after 10.
I sent Harley out with a deer carcass for a while while I worked on marketing and blog work. I recovered half of it and put it back in the freezer for another time. I then gave the bread box another clear coat and came in to write up its sale post for my CM page. I then worked on finishing yesterday’s blog and starting today’s.
Back at the house we changed to head out for a soak in the hot tub in the full on plus 9 sunshine. Beauty day indeed but there was a bit of wind again. A shower while S packed his bag then a bit of a relax with S eating a plate of spaghetti and pork chops before we left at 5.
The scenic drive had us to the retreat location in just over an hour near Bragg Creek. It is a lovely well treed venue that reminded me of a church camp. We checked in, dropped our bags at the very minimalistic room in one of the lodges then back to the main building for the 7:30 start. Once the workshop began, the evening went really fast with highlight being fresh cinnamon rolls between presentations. They were so delicious. The evening wrapped up around 10:30 with us crawling into a double bed after 11 to get some sleep. The rooms have no TVs allowing you to focus solely on the present. Not quite what S had in mind. How will he live without hockey? :)