Friday, April 7, 2023

Good Friday

No real fog this am on Good Friday. I put on the coffee and did some crosswords in bed. Once the prince awoke we did our last premium Fitbit meditation (My trial ends today). It was a relaxing start to the day till I remembered to look for the car key fob. I could not find it or my credit card anywhere. The last time I had my card was heading out for a hike at B's. I think it may be in some deep snow.

We set off for the city after 10. We are meeting Shaina to look at some places she is interested in buying. Seeing we were a bit ahead of time we swung thru Langdon's Tim's to grab a drink and breakfast. (S did have his usual porridge but could not pass up an apple fritter) Seeing it was so nice and roads dry we also went thru the car wash.

this was a very lovely place but on ground floor, not great for single girl

We arrived at the first place early (11:20) with Shaina and her realtor arriving not long after. For the next 2+ hours we toured 4 places. Wouldn't you know it, the one she loved had an offer just accepted late last night. 

A couple shots of the one we all loved, that has an offer accepted but she did put in a back up offer.

City is PLUS 17!! After being dropped back at our car we headed to Costco. We assumed Good Friday would be busy but that was an understatement. Eventually we did get in and out with much less in our cart then planned. Perhaps this was a good thing. Now to eat finally. I chose Noodlebox which was good but spicy.

We arrived home at 4. S hit the couch and soon asleep. I looked for the key and NOTHING! WTH. Seeing it was lovely PLUS 12 out I fed H then she and I went for a walk. The walk was thru lots of melting snow. There are small lakes popping up all over and under the snow too. Back at the house I got the poop fork and cleaned up H poop around the yard. S was up and came out for fresh air.

I got the marrow out of H's bones and left broth to cool. S checked car and truck for the key, no luck. We moved inside and both checked again NOTHING. S was back on the couch to watch news. Supper was skipped for me after eating so late. S ate my lunch leftovers that were too spicy for me for his late supper.

After finishing marketing and accounting I headed out to the garage after 7. The dark stained table tops looked a lovely color but the stain showed everything. And some areas were grungy looking where the stain took darker. I decided to dry brush them the same base color. Two coats went on with touch ups on the bases too. The brushes were scrubbed. The cooler broth was put in containers and in the fridge.

I decided to try the new sanded on one of the stools I brought in. It is going to be some work. Thank goodness they came mostly sanded. I wrapped up my garage work at 9. Time for a soak in the hot tub for us. S was then back to sports moving on to a Blue Jays game. I worked on ancestry dates using the library book I have for the Red River Settlement.

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