Wednesday, January 17, 2018

coffee catch up

A quick shower and dress up before my gals arrived for our new year coffee visit. Coreena arrived first before 10 and Sharon soon after. We had a great visit catching up before C had to leave just after 12. Sharon and I did some shop talk helping her set up her square too before she headed home at 1:30. It was a lovely day hitting 6 but turned overcast after lunch.

Time for me to paint the jewelry box another coat of coral, sand and dark wax once dry. I woke with a head ache and it will not go away even with pills. Shaina and Kaylin have suffered for last few days too but think mine ma be muscle tension?

I cooked up chili for Shaina and I as our usual Wednesday supper. She was off for her 6:30 boot camp leaving me to do some work on the coffee table while I coaxed Lola in. Grey's kept me company while I did computer work and tried to go to sleep earlier then my usual 1 am and help my head. I did shut out the lights at 11.

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