Sunday, January 31, 2016

Skiff of snow

Sunday morning we awoke to a skiff of snow, actually I did see it coming down at 1 am letting Coco out ;) Overcast to start out coffee was needed, two pots actually once Britt got up too. Sheldon cooked up a late brunch for himself as I was buffing and doing minor last minute repairs to the frame and waxing and assembly of my orb. Time for some pictures for you.

Britt was a doll and walked the dogs before she caught Hawk and Bird. Sheldon ventured out to the shop to start rail installation in the mez while she and I rode. Switch came along and I ponied her and she practiced the art of patience being tied too. Hawk remembered just how much he dislikes the game of polocrosse.. actually just the ball being thrown at him really.

The high was 2 with sunshine now when we started and 4 when we finished up around 2:30. However the fields are sheer ice under the skiff of snow and so dangerous. Bird was like an old lady on an ice rink walking so cautiously. THANK goodness we have the riding arena.

Sheldon was in soon after us to watch the All Stars games while I had a roast cooking. We ate early so Britt could head back to school around 5 and we caught a few more Bloodline episodes.

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