Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday is here again, already Aug 24th

Sunday was high of 15 ish, still on the cool side for sure. The neighbor who brought bedroom furniture to be painted stopped over with her girls to drop off a missing finial. I started a new set of solid oak end tables scrubbing - by hand- then painting beckley coal. I tried a new technique of burnishing with a paper bag and left to dry overnight and see what happens.

I continued to sand the bed set and as I started a small shower came thru, nothing to talk about but in the tin roof shop it sounded good :-) It was then back to the house for soap and water the scrub them once again!
old dresser progress

Britt started a new job at Target Gym today from 2-4 and kindly picked up some jars for me before coming home. She really wanted to go to the movies tonight to see If I Stay, the book she just read so she walked the dogs, emptied dishwasher, fed Scooter, and even cooked a pizza in order to go.

Not long after, Shaina returned from her poor weather BC trip. The gal with the frenchie let me know she wanted the numbered dresser. As I was getting it ready to go I noticed an issue, the knobs had leached oil onto the paint!! WTH. So after a frantic panic I tried 2 different repairs and hopefully it will be successful. Note to self.. patience in putting things together and write this down in your lessons learned notebook!
 can you see the faint halo? and below the first step of repair ;-(
Seeing it was a quiet night and windows able to open I also put the self cleaner on the oven to run. After my frantic paint situation I relaxed with more episodes of Homeland, I started 2nd season last night

I wanted to share some more of my favorite things..

1- if you are a turtles fan look out, I bought this container at Costco while hungry. It sat in the basement for a bit before Britt asked if we could open. She ate almost every single one, (Sheldon? Shaina?) but today when I saw there was only about 5 left I decided I should try just so I know what I bought. OMG..... they are amazing.. I will be putting on the list for more!
2 - one of my new Saje remedies is called Zap, it is for acne.. it smells HORRID but it seem to work. I will continue to use and give updates if it changes. I have another few new ones to try and may post too.

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