Tuesday, August 12, 2014

heat wave

Sunday was polocrosse play day. Britt had a slow start even thought the other 2 girls were off just after 9. Shaina got home later in the morning from her concert w/e with Kaylin and helped catch Baby who went along for coach to play on. She was then going to ride KD before her 3 pm shift.

With 4 horses loaded and lunch in our bellies, Britt, Sheldon and I headed to the city to enjoy a fun play day in the sun. We were back home around 6:30 for pizza and a shower. It was such a gorgeous night I convinced Sheldon to come for a dog walk. Only one mosquito which was an added bonus although they have not been bad at all, perhaps the fly swarms keep them away!

Monday Prince had coffee served to him in bed. It soon became sprayer funday. I LOVE my new sprayer. I started on a coffee table which moved to a wood spool. 

This peaked my plan to paint the dump trailer rails so changed paint color out to desert sun red. 

 Shaina popped home between shifts to take her roof out for the first time
Once these were painted I remembered a lone chair I had so scrubbed it up and painted it then finished off the can on yet another wood spool.

Sheldon spent the day loading more clay out and dumping it. I took a trip to town with him to pick up some colored jars, do a bank deposit and grab OPA for lunch. Britt was off to work soon after we got back. After the last clay load was dumped and a cold beverage chugged it was back to town for a dresser and Chinese food take out for 1! perfect just enough! Shaina who was off early for her double shift day returned home after 10 and we watched 2 episodes of SOA to wind up the day.

Tuesday we slept in till after 10! Perfect start to the beauty horse day. Sheldon and I decided to start Pepper's conditioning training. We caught 4 horses and then Shaina comes out to join us so caught another then Britt came out to. In the end we had 7/9 horses and had a nice conditioning ride. The dresser I had got yesterday turned out to be a pressboard with laminate and had damage not worth trying to overcome so I had posted for free. A lady was at the house waiting to pickup when we returned.
 the red boards all back on, looks flash!
 the coffee table staged
The horse day continued with me trimming Baby and Daisy with Shaina's help, thanks Dude. She also roached KD, Scooter and Julio's mane making them look so smart and youthful. Britt soaked Hawk's feet as his scratches still have not healed, while soaking she also removed a HUGE water bean. Good job B! After helping hose off hot horses (it was a 31 day) Sheldon repaired a wobbly gate post with his mad McGyver skills. By now it was 2:30 and without dinner and needing to head to Calgary for Britt's polocrosse lesson at 5, we had a late dinner early supper of corn on the cob and tacos.

Sheldon watered trees as the heat is taking its toll and hooked up the truck and trailer. Sharon kindly dropped off my necklace order from a great site called Adpazzaz. All one of a kind hand crafted pieces, I can only show my two I bought with Christmas money, others might be gifts :-)
The girls and I cleaned up supper and loaded Big Bird and by 5 we were off to the city. Part way there, Sheldon remembered he left the water running but Sharon was again kind enough to run over and shut off. THANKS Sharon!!
photo credit coach Lesley

Kaylin met us at the field and she and Shaina went off rollerblading while Lexi stayed with us to watch day 1 of the clinic. Once done they watched for a bit to before heading to Kaylin's where Shaina was sleeping over again. Clinic went well, once horse hosed and fed it was time to load up and head home getting home after 10 to unload, shower and hit the sheets!

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