Friday, June 13, 2014

more rain, painting & Friday the 13th with a full moon

Rain began as I was falling asleep last night. Britt text Pepper was once again in the far pasture as she left for school. I took my coffee and trudged out to re install the poles. He is such an easy going guy that he came to me and with only a hand on his neck he followed me to the gate and thru to the assigned pasture. I checked the rain gauge and found one to say just under 3/4" but the other said 4/10ths, either way it was still damp which is awesome for the new grass seed.
here is Houdini and yes that it a live hot wire over his neck.. he is a honey badger.. electricity don't bother him!

Time to put the first coat of peacock paint on the custom piece. While it dried I moved on to a few more things.
The mineral pot repair did not work so I revamped it and replaced on of the pastures minerals before taking the dogs and of course the cats for an excited walk. Once tuckered out it was time to jump on the mower and get the super long grass trimmed and  fertilized more trees.

Shaina is doing great today,  a little puffy but in good spirits spending a lot of time resting. I put the 2nd coat of color on then did an inventory update of all the frames and pieces that recently were acquired. Once the painted dried it was time for the first clear coat of wax. Shaina was so bored she even vacuumed the basement carpet for a bit ;-) I also painted and waxed up a frame for Sharon's birthday.
I finished up the dark wax coat, buffed and snapped a few photos just before Amanda stopped out for a quick visit. Shaina and I then watched Spiderman 3 just as Britt got home from her work shift, showered and got studying.

Thursday I added another coat of wax to the top of the wash stand before heading to town for a job interview and to meet the girls to celebrate Sharon's birthday last week. I also grabbed a long board to paint a custom length growth ruler for a gal who says her boys will be tall. The final stop was to the elderly lady who did a bit more shopping for me. Holy cow, another car full of treasures!! some good some leave me wondering what the heck!
this is just from her minus the pine board for growth ruler
Back at the ranch, Kaylin and Lexi were there for a visit before she was off to work. She has some lab tests to do in the am so will stay the night. Britt was home from school but tuckered right out. Shaina started a homemade chicken soup but did not get to enjoy until home after a gold game and nap. I tried taking the 3 dogs for a walk but Miss Lexi is far too fast and really has no idea what come means, hahaha
Rain started early Friday morning but ebbed around 8 bringing in 2/10ths. Kaylin was off early followed by Britt for last day of school in grade 11! WTH, time is going to fast. I started working on a few projects in the garage, main one ..a dresser. Time to do more repairs, remove hardware and give a good scrub. While scrubbing I also did the old window frame, the clothes rack and an oval mirror. Then it was time for 2 coats of coral paint, nice to have a bright color change again.

Kaylin brought teas back, what a sweet girl, thanks Kazie! Shaina got up by then to enjoy and we had a nice visit. Britt was home from school, changed and packed up heading to Hussar for a ball game. The truck has had another issue so Shaina kindly let her take the jeep, what a wonderful sisterly gesture!! After our taco supper, Kaylin and Shaina went to town to hit the gym. I was back out in the garage putting the first coat of wax on the coral dresser and photo box. The girls were home around 9 and Kaylin headed home soon after. Shaina actually tried to go to bed early.. it must be Friday the 13th with a full moon!
coral with wax
my new paint colors
 this is the awesome dresser Shaina and I brought home tuesday!!

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