Monday, June 2, 2014

June 1&2

June 1st, another beauty day. Britt was up in a hurry and out the door for a 9 am ball game. However once they arrived the other team forfeited so they went for breakfast and shopped before the 1:30 game. I fed the horses a feed combo and hay and fixed the stretched hotwire Julio did all in my red silk PJ's!

Coffee and baileys accompanied me to water the garden and flower bed after I planted the last 2 spirea.
Now this is blooms, on drought resistant hardy plants, once they stop flowering they will be moved to main flower beds to replace my dead peony spots
 poor Bird yearns to be with the cool kids hanging out at the watering cooler
 more blossoms, they may be small and few but they make me happy to see!

 and here is an old geezer stand off, seems Diego wants a drink but Julio is in no hurry to move!
seems the eldest held his ground!
 Repairs and stripping took place on the latest project

Shaina did eventually go out last night and Kaylin brought her to town as she worked at 3. Britt picked her up and brought her home. Sadly for Kaylin but good for us there was a brief rain shower come thru so her first day on beer cart was cancelled! She came out to visit as we were eating but none of the foods fit her new elimination diet so she had soda crackers and almonds before heading back home to eat foods she can.

Now the sun was back out and bright so the 3 of us each grabbed a scooper and 2 wheel barrows and rock/poop picking began in the new paddock for an hour. About 1/3 got done in that time but lots came off, Shaina promises more will be done this week on her days off. Britt did laundry while I put 2 coats of poly on the white desk for protection (this after a minor touch up to the paint caused by Coco who thought since it backed onto the couch it must be an area for her laying pleasure!)

June 2 - off to school for Britt and double work day for Shaina. I was out mowing lawn on the sunny morning by 9 which turned out great cause rain came in around 2! I also managed to spend another hour sanding & scraping old paint off the project outside before bringing in for another scrub. Once dry I put on primer as the dark red wood under still leaches pink water so to avoid any further added work.
Sadly my painting class for tonight has been postponed due to schedule conflicts but at least the garage is tidy and I am almost prepared for it when they decide a new day. Luckily the rain made for perfect birthday brownie cooking. But it was torture smelling for the rest of the night. Once the sun was back out I took the dogs for a perimeter walk.. note to self, rain and sun bring out lots of mozzies!

Britt was home around 9 after work after school and the soon to be 20 year old by 11. Can't believe tomorrow Shaina will start her second decade!

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