Monday, May 19, 2014

May long w/e already gone

My long w/e started out digging out shelter belt trees to give away. These poor trees where planted and cared for but it seems someone mowed over this last row so gave them away to someone needing an actual shelter belt row. The rain was forecast but had yet to arrive so I then raked the ditches on the way back tossing rocks back up on the road and distributing the dried manure piles which were chocking out the grass. It seems I need to ask the fertilizer ponies to distribute more evenly in the future.

Shaina was off to work the golf course for 11 and on beer cart so hope the weather stays non rainy at least for her but we really could use it. Back at the house I forced Britt out of bed and to go feed cats and horses. A fellow stopped to get a bale (again for free) for his daughter to practice roping on. It ended up free cause the guy talked so much eventually I just said well good luck to your daughter I better get back to work so he headed off without paying, hahaha

The rest of my day was working in the shop, putting the new side Sheldon cut for me and painting first grey coat on the little antique table, washing up a big dresser and mirror and doing more wood repairs on a few items. Britt and I watched the Preakness race in between too. Yay Chrome! Britt spent rest of the day holed up in the basement but did tidy room.

She was picked up by a friend and off they went for a sleepover, Shaina was home from work around 8 and soon Shannon arrived and those two were off to camp with friends over night leaving me posting items and shopping on the internet .. found cool things like this, I so LOVE them but they were bought in Texas ;-(

I tired of the Cuisinart coffee pot running over and ruining my cabinets so ordered a new Breville one (was to be happy Fathers Day Sheldon but he bought himself the power washer!) and a paint sprayer off Amazon to help me in my job. And after tasting Red Velvet cake (thanks Kaylin) and Cream of Earl Grey (thanks Amanda) and a necessary refill of coco chai I made an order from Davids Tea. Sharon gave me the summer collection for my birthday so should be stocked up on new tea! Finally after much research and opinion polling I ordered my essential oil nebulizer and a few new oils from Saje. This online saves me money as when I head to the city I make a long list and spend much more $$ plus I used up all my birthday money

Holiday Sunday I spent most in the garage, I finished the vintage grey dresser, staged and posted it. Britt was home from sleepover, quickly changed and was off to work from 10-3. 

My day in the shop was most productive, after the dresser I sorted and moved and organized stock, posted some for free and did lots of sweeping! It looks great and getting better for my first paint class next month. I started repairs and wood filler on a buffet, painted a large mirror as well as another ornate gold frame both in beach glass! I waxed the frame too.

Shaina and Shannon home around 11 only to find her shift was cancelled so they relaxed and then went riding. They finished up riding just before 3 and just after as Britt was getting home from work the storm finally arrived but it was not rain but HAIL!

 love organized areas of stock

Britt slept rest of the day, must have been a long night. Some rain started later in the evening but by Monday am it was socked in. Part of the forecast was right I guess :-) although we do need the rain so not complaining, that and I can get to work in the shop today and get more done as there will not be polocrosse practice in this.
 I painted 2 coats of grey on the buffet
 waxed the mirror and then glazed it

painted and waxed this sweet little salt and pepper set
 gave away more free furniture, posters, riding pants and making more room in the shop.
and painted and waxed more frames to make a collection to post tomorrow. It was very busy in and out of the garage. Gail brought a tea this am when picking up a dresser and Shaina brought me one after her day at work and the gym. THANKS girls! XOXO Diego had a busy day greeting all the pickup people today, almost all took his picture. Britt had a very lazy day off getting up late, vacuumed her car for the first prospective buyer to view and charged up the battery, took off Julio's blanket and fed the horses, tough day! The sun finally came out about 4 which was nice but the rain was most welcome.

one of the free takers stopping to visit the ponies in the sun after they all loved up D and took pictures of all

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