Friday, May 16, 2014

Big Happy Mother day - blog is pic heavy again ;-)

What a great mothers day. woke up to sunshine which is most welcome. The day got even better with coffee served in bed and another episode of Game Of Thrones. I also had an anthyrium, many mini o henrys and jumbo pack of licorice served with the coffee from the Prince. Thanks Hun Britt searched thru the photo albums with many laughs and memories for everyone. Kaylin brought out Chinese food Sheldon ordered for lunch and brought daisies and a lovely bubble bath. She was then off to work after a nice visit.
 flowers from Kaylin
 bubble bath from her, treats and flowers from Prince and the big Oh Henry and long done tea, Shaina!
It was so nice out I headed out to do more feet. over the last few days I have worked on almost all the horses then I had even more fun raking gravel out of the grass.. at least it was sunny!

Shaina was finished when Kaylin started, she is now working out here at the golf course to help add to her cost of living so we may see more of her this summer. Shaina brought me a chai tea and big Oh Henry. She tacked up Hawk and she and I went for a ride as Britt went off to ball and Sheldon ran to the plant to grab me some wooden spools!! After our gorgeous ride she and I trimmed baby leaving only 1 left!
Back home Sheldon barbqued steak and Shaina made some tasty potatoes and cheese packs which the 3 of us enjoyed before we took dogs for a walk. We checked the fence line and found 3 broke wire spots and ended up collecting trash along the highway tree rows but what a beauty night! A fantastic Mothers Day!!
Our work day before heading north had me officially calling Sheldon, "Little Carl". As I was raking I turned to see smoke.. a large pile of wood scraps burning by the trees. He said it was easier than moving it! When he returned from town and his massage he did not have the load of clay in the big dump trailer but rather a brand new power washer! When questioned as to his reasoning of out of the blue buying of such a pricey item he said, "well I have wanted one for awhile! plus it can be my fathers day gift!" I replied and I got a bag of licorice, oH Henrys and a plant, HA!

you can see the fire behind the poplar tree I was trying to show dead vs new and right is my first tulip, only 5 out of the 90 are poking thru, hope more show soon. I planted some seeds in the garden, yeah!
 the wood spools.. nice
 went for a oil filter and came back with a washer.. at least it is ready to go for me

It got a good try out that day as Britt detailed the truck in order to drive it this week in exchange for the boat.
she even hosed mine off too
Tuesday he flew north and I enjoyed a free spa day. Britt needed a model for manicure and pedicure in her esthetitian classes while a local girl taking makeup classes needed a model as well during lunch. An elderly lady who said she had a couple bird cages I was looking for loaded my car with them and more gardening items! I then grabbed groceries and headed home.

 eyebrows perhaps a wee bit to noticeable for me but rest was very soft

I planted some more seeds and spent time working on an old window frame. It sold soon after posting and the custom color is blue!
 from this above to that below

my manual mowers, note Miss Switch in the pasture trying to release the wire from the post and the mowers!
Wednesday's project was to paint this mirror coral but after the sticker removal ended up removing a small area of the faux finish a new plan had to be hatched, contact paper to the rescue!
Shaina had a nap after work then she and I shaved Mr Jenkins to remove the rest of the mats, this time we got them all!  I took the dogs for a walk to survey even more tree removal at the winery. I felt like I was being stalked by a lion  and sure enough Mr J was coming up behind us

 Diego caught himself a mouse, carried for part of the way then ate the darn thing so he could pant!
 along the highway to the north and below to the south (being our rows still standing)
When I got back to the house, Shaina surprised me with a simple but good supper. She also helped me put a blanket on Switch before off to the gym, Switch skipped around a bit but settled and was off grazing.

However the blanket was GONE on the way to belated bday lunch in town the next day! Seems the young miss got it off somehow leaving it in a pile in the field. Shaina served us a delicious lunch, thanks ladies! I picked up some new plants and a replacement "Grandma" tree, planted more seeds and got the first smell of cut grass as I mowed around the yard hoping to get done as the day threw the occasional rain spits.
my new negative ion necklace came today, must be working as wee bit red after wearing an hour

Today was an off again on again sunny day. I tried to get the girls up by noon and outside to enjoy it. Shaina eventually did, made crepes for lunch and washed her jeep by hand and vacuumed out then was off to the city later afternoon. Britt who is ill with sore throat dragged her way slowly heading to work for 3-8. She did put 2 horses in to mow the grass before she left.

I was busy planting my new planters, more seeds in the garden, transplanting a tree and trimming others of more dead wood, hauling the poop wagon to the pit, trying my hand at the new washer on a big dirty piece and while it dried I put away Bird and took Scooter out for a ride in the glorious sunshine evening.


  1. My first comment dissappeared ;-( LOoks like you are all very busy. Very intersting. Hugs Mom

  2. do you mean the one you posted on last post?
