Thursday, October 3, 2024

First frost

We woke to zero degrees, our first frost of the year. It seemed inevitable though and I could have cut my last pretty dahlias yesterday had I looked at forecast. After enjoying coffee in bed, it was time for my usual marketing, while S browsed the internet before we started cleaning. I enlisted S's help to pull out the oven, and together we vacuumed, scrubbed, and washed the floor before sliding it back in place. I then set the oven to self-clean. Although it made the house smell, the sunny day meant it was a good time for solar energy, and we could crack the windows slightly. S went off to finish winterizing the trailer and to run some antifreeze to Ron's trailer, which he's been enlisted to sell. Meanwhile, I continued vacuuming and put in a load of towels. I let Switch and Beibs out, as the other two had a vet appointment. Then, it was time to start removing the frozen zucchini plants. S began organizing the arena, moving a bale out of indoor storage and box grading some of the sand.

After a lunch of leftovers, S headed to town for hockey. I removed more frozen plants - the beans and cucumbers - the dahlias seemed okay, but I regretted not cutting all the flowers before the frost. Vet Ashley and her assistant arrived, so I quickly caught Roo for his dental check-up. Dave arrived just as she was nearly done, and I went to catch Bird.

I popped in to get something and Har was napping in her new bed but then had to join the animal day

Horse herder Harley helping Dave or at least attempting to

Bird feeling tipsy after her dental appointment

After releasing Roo, I caught Suzi and Dave caught Basil for his hock x-ray. While they were busy, I continued tidying the garden and the asparagus patch. Dave left Cooper here while he went to fetch his trailer in Lacombe, and Ashley and Meagan left as well. I brought in the random vegetables and started working on yesterday's blog post. Suddenly, I heard a commotion; Tony and J were in a standoff. The neighbors wanted us to try and send him home with perhaps a spray of water, so I set off, attempting to shoo him back with J following close behind. In the barn, Tony went up to the mez, where I grabbed a broom and smacked it on the floor, breaking it in half. Distracted, I lost track of Tony.

Sheldon was back home from hockey as I was coming in from outside. As the garden winds down we are still lucky to have veggies, beets and the leaves, zucchini, onion and fresh tomatoes were cooked up to go with salmon for yet another tasty supper. Seeing it was low wind and still sunny out we went for an early hot tub in the golden hour. We were just coming in when Britt arrived early tonight after 7. 

She fed and did her horse things then headed home. I worked on blogs, marketing and tutorials while S watched his sports before we retreated to bed to relax and watch the movie Role Play.

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