Friday, May 26, 2023

Two days riding & company arrives

The day started overcast and cool on Wednesday which was disappointing after the clear sunny Tuesday. S worked at Matt's for the morning while I worked on finishing up the vacation blog posts and tutorials. I have enough tutorials to cover for the next month. I also got my DNA results from Ancestry so plowed into that for awhile. It is interesting how they divide up the ethnicity compared to 23 & Me. And I have a higher percentage of Indigenous too.

When he finished up at "work" we loaded up Harley in car and headed to town. We whipped thru our errands including picking up a deck box and voting. The last stop at the lab was not speedy. Yesterday I left my place in line after half hour. Today I had to wait 45 minutes past my booked time. S waited in the car with H and had grabbed lunch at A&W. I popped out to eat while I waited. Once it was done we set off for home.

The sun was now out and the day warmed up 5 degrees hitting over 20 now. Sharon was back from her lessons. She and I went out for a ride. Her first one at our place. Seeing it was so nice we hit the deck for a cold beer. S joined us when he was back from Matt's again. It was the perfect day for deck relaxing. I cooked up a pot of mushroom soup for supper, Hot tub and hockey again were the nights events.

Thursday, After breakfast S went and sprayed the middle paddock we have closed off this year to try and rejuvenate. He also did areas in the yard and along the lane. Sharon was out and she and I went for another ride. This one was even more lovely then yesterdays. I also finally unboxed the huge paint package delivered few days back.

Friday was lawn mowing and company prep. We had a zoom meeting at one for just over hour and half. S ran to town to do a condo inspection and few other errands. I have been keeping my pots alive with water and rest of the yard. It was then off to get a lash fill. Debby and Chuck arrived around 5 not long after we were both back. We had a lovely evening of catching up. As usual there were lots of great gifts including this short. Sheldon was so stoked to get it! Deb made me a beautiful horse quilt! xoxo

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