Wednesday, February 6, 2019

White on white dresser sold

-27 upon waking, brrr but at least sun was back. I was awake at 7 with multiple wakes in the night almost like the night before a trip but today is just a dresser sale. The gal was to arrive at 9 so I was up and once again touched up the top giving it an hour to get ready, it was now perfect :) Now to market.

S made his famous coffee and was on the phone with his Dad when the gal arrived. She was a bit late having blew by us and hit town before calling. She and I got it loaded in her horse trailer after a short visit and she was off.  I updated sites removing the dresser then some banking. S caught up on work and online.

After lunch we started on to paper, #3 of the KonMari and it is a doozy. S helped a bit then hit big brown to have a nap. (he did not get his sleep all day Tuesday it seems) I did not pile it all up as I know it will be easier to do in chunks. I know how much paper we have! I ended up with 3 large boxes so far.

Kaylin is fostering a dog and picked her up today. Her name is Savanah and she is from the same rescue Cooper was from and came from Arizona as well. Shaina is picking Lexi up from her dog sitters on her way home tonight so will see her thoughts on her new room mate.

she sure seems happy with her tail always wagging

Shaina is coming for supper so I put in a chicken and S peeled potatoes for her favourite mashed potatoes. She arrived before 6 just after the egg lady dropped off eggs. S lit a fire, Shaina and I went thru the piles I had to share then we dined catching up on her trip.

She was off loaded up with treasures to get back for her 8 pm boot camp. I had posted the newest bread box and for next hour caught up on possible sales that ended in a no go ;(

Once hockey and the fired died down S and I watched the second finale of Vikings. The day ended -28 but did hit -20 LOL

forgot to share Britt's good food dinner from last night, looks really yummy B!

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