Wednesday, February 3, 2016

staining the monster

Up at 8, couple cups of coffee by 9 :) I did find the coffee pot water filter looked like it was coffee grounds so put in an Amazon order to stock up on new ones, wahoo!

Today's undertaking is the ginormous armoire.. more filling, sanding, hardware removal and then staining... and staining and over 4 hours, 1 quart of stain and 2 sets rubber gloves (wore thru first set) later, the first and probably last coat was on.

yesterdays' repairs and all dry ready to roll

 the bottom shelf was my test spot, of course the sunshine is right on the raw wood, sorry

 here is the body hours later
 then on to the doors
 and the backing
and of course when all was put away I decided to stain under the bottom shelf too.. professional right?
I was going to take the dogs for a walk between starting on the backing, it was only high -1, brr cold today but I checked email to confirm with the gal coming to buy the kids rocking chair and found it blocked again. Almost 2 hours later and 3 support techs, my account is now being reviewed... perhaps they will get it fixed in 24 hrs, WTH!!

The gal and her mom arrived for the chair, she is a photographer and using it in a valentine photo shoot this w/e.
I finished up, tidied and came in for some scrambled eggs & toast around 7. After updating FB and the blog I need a good hot shower and some Netflix time ;)

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